Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Welcome at the Restart

Most people I know have hobbies. My friends are painters, junk collectors, tv officiandos, music hipsters, and sports fans. Me, I work. I love to work and even my free time is spent in strategic planning retreats. Snore. Given that I love to work, it is a very good thing that I love my job. LOVE. I get to make the community a better place and help managers be better managers. Cool, right? 

Another thing I love about job is that every single day, I am called to be a better version of myself. This kindness adventure fits right in. Last week, after meeting with a manager, it was pointed out to me that I was coming across all harsh-like. STING! I'm trying to be a nice girl. Here's the kicker--I didn't feel harsh, frustrated, or unkind. I felt like a normal, happy, Michelle.

All was not lost. About an hour later, I got to meet with said manager again. Tail tucked, I tried again. This time, I was overly mindful of how I might portray supporting kindness. And, you know what? I did it! The follow up feedback was that I was much better, more soft and kind. As a result, this manager was bouyed up in a hard job. Isn't that the point after all? I was so grateful for the chance to try again. 

A few days later, I was remembering the experience while listening to this band I love, Mumford & Sons. Their sweet lyrics touched my heart.

It seems that all my bridges have been burnt
But you say that's exactly how this grace thing works
It's not the long walk home that will change this heart
But the welcome I receive with the restart

During my normal work day, when it seemed I had torched my own bridge to kindness, grace appeared and I was able to restart. I'm so grateful.

And I must say, the welcome was quite swelling.

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