Tuesday, September 11, 2012

For as long as I can remember

I've had something to say, about every little thing, for my entire life. Words like sassy, spitfire, quick-witted, direct and firecracker are always in the top three adjectives used to describe me. On a good day, only one is used. You can guess how many are used when I really get fired up. Had I learned to shut my trap when I was a teenager, I would have avoided 90% of all my foibles (and my parents may have suffered fewer headaches). However, I never did quick my yackin'. In fact, I turn 30 in a few short weeks and the antics haven't stopped.

Lots of other words are found in combination with these when outlining the primary make up of my countenance. Almost always included are: smart, determined, passionate, and leader. Sometimes my nearest and dearest say things like silly, honest, prideful, playful, and generous. Kind is never in the top 10. To be fair, I don't think these besties of mine would describe me as unkind. It just doesn't get high marks when compared to sassy, smart, or honest. 

So there kindness sits, with all the other adjectives, collecting dust at my feet. I stare at it often down there, all covered in spiderwebs, and think, "I'll be more kind today." 

This lasts about as long as my morning cup of coffee. Someone always traps me! Even before the sleep is wiped from my eyes, I think or say something unkind. Someone does something illogical, says something incorrectly, or, god-forbid, tackles a project differently than I would. Did you hear that? Oh right, kindness just flew right out the window.

But a little voice in the way down deep parts of my soul won't let me give up on this pursuit of kindness. Thus, it graces every list of new year's resolutions and personal goals. This year's iteration: Practice Radical Kindness. Because a decade of trying to be kind wasn't enough, this year I needed radically kind...

...which brings us to these ramblings.

I like thinking and writing, so I plan to use this space to write about my adventures in kindness. And hopefully, some of my friends will talk with me about what I write. If all goes according to plan (which always happens) I'll be more kind in no time! Honestly, what could go wrong?


  1. Chelle! I think this is a great idea! We all need kindness; I can't wait to hear about your success!

  2. Me too, me too! My GODDESS are you looking into my soul, sista? I would love to go on this journey too. I will endeavor to remind you when you are kind, can you help me be kind(and remember that doesn't mean losing myself)? In love and angst...P.S. It isn't all about me? :D

  3. I read this very timely article today at lunch - how timely! Sarcastic scribe MICHAEL A. STUSSER tries right speech for a month. http://www.shambhalasun.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3796&Itemid=0

  4. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Stephie!

    Serene--Yes! Let's. :)
